Friday, September 26, 2008

The Killer at Large- Michael Phelps Helps Promote Junk Food?????

Let me ask all of you a question? What do you think is causing the obesity problem today? Can you name two things? This is just a little quiz to see where you are at right now.

I think there are several factors:

1.) It all starts with people specifically parents when we talk about the youth of America. I have always asked myself where do kids get the money to feed themselves? Most kids I know do NOT work so that leaves the parents flipping the bill for unhealthy food.

2.) Business- this an interesting topic as I do agree that food manufactures could definitely be helping the population by not manufacturing and MARKETING crap food but we cannot put the blame solely on them. Why? It is a simple matter of economics Supply vs. Demand. If everyone stopped buying McDonald’s tomorrow they would either be put out of business or would be forced to supply what health conscious people are asking for. We have to acknowledge the power of choice that we have and we have a TON of power but we are very confused and misguided.

Our value system(s) that we are taught at a very young age are critical to one’s health- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Psychological Statistics say the by age 4 we are already 50% programmed, by age 10 80% programmed and by age 18 95% programmed. This means the we have 5% that is unprogrammed that we will have to tap into somehow to re-program the majority of the already programmed 95% that has some seriously bad programming.

I think legislation could help and pass laws banning a whole slew of farming practices and ingredients that should never be allowed to put into foods. But that will probably take a while. Schools don’t emphasize exercise anymore the way they used to which is also a part of the problem. The internet and technology has also made society addicted to instant gratification of all kinds- instant messaging, text messaging teaches people not to take time and consciously think about what they are feeling, saying or typing. It’s all about a “quick fix” “silver bullet (pill)” and it’s a shame. I think Gandhi said “ You cannot speed up your efforts to live a slower paced life anymore than you can fight for peace”.

Education is the key because there are people out there that are starving for good information based on science that will change their lives for the better.

I could go on and on this topic. But I’ll stop for now.