Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Do Desperate Housewives and Dream Body Boot Camps Have in Common?

There is rarely a time that I check out the ladies of Wisteria Lane but this particular episode caught my attention. As we well know, fitness boot camps are becoming the new “in” thing to do. Though largely picked up by the female crowd, it still makes its mark as a smart choice when wanting to get into shape.
If you haven't seen the episode here is a brief summary. Eva Longoria Parker’s character Gabby decides she wants to get into shape to keep the never-ending attention of her husband, Carlos. She is willing to be put to the ultimate challenge and partakes in a Military Style fitness boot camp and soon begins to regret her decision.
I, for one, can tell you that it was comical and brings more publicity to what has become the future of fitness and personal fitness training. To break the stereotype, true fitness boot camps are not about the yelling and demeaning fashion of instruction, they are about getting that Dream Body.
Here’s the Clip from You tube of the show, enjoy....

Now after taking a look at that wouldn’t you say Dream Body Boot Camps has a lot warming feeling or wouldn't you like to join our campers and find out. For those that have attended classes can tell you that fitness boot camps are about a social atmosphere where you are inspired to achieve your goals. The instructors encourage you to hit those “few more” reps and nothing more. You might see a hundred crunches occur on and off during a workout but it would never be continually. The fame of fitness boot camps are hitting the mainstream and getting the attention they so rightly disserve. Once you get away from the stereotypes any publicity is good publicity. If you already a part of a boot camp then more congrats to you but if you haven’t found true results then boot camp is definitely something to look into. Don’t be the last to be part of the best fitness program known today.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Fat Burning Tips

Valentine's Day is almost here. And there's a VERY good chance you have plans to eat out that night with your significant other.

And while I want you to have a great time, I do NOT want you to kiss your fat loss goals goodbye. Here are three quick Valentine's Day Fat Burning Tips to help keep you on track.

1) Make sure you get a good workout in that day. Preferably strength training. It'll have you blasting fat all day long.

2) Whatever you do, do NOT starve yourself all day long in anticipation of your big night out. That's one of the worst things you can do.

3) If you're having a chocolate craving - it is Valentine's Day after all - you want to have some good dark chocolate on hand.

(Note: I recommend Prograde Cravers. See the bottom of this email as they are on sale this week!)

4) Start Valentine's Day off with 2 large cups of water when you wake up. You also want to drink 1-2 cups before each meal as it will help you from consuming WAY to many calories.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yours in health,

Doug Parra

PS - Here are all the details on Prograde Nutrition's 14% off Prograde Cravers sale.
Organic Dark Chocolate Prograde Cravers have no preservatives, only 180 calories and they come in three delicious flavors: peanut butter, almond butter and spirulina.

The even better news is they are on sale all this week for Valentine's Day.

Here's everything you need to know:

- Again, because it's Valentine's Day, the sale is 14% off all purcahses of Prograde Cravers

- When you checkout you will enter this coupon code to save the 14%: vday0909

- Shipping will take 3-5 days, so while I HIGHLY recommend you jump all over this sale, don't purchase these as a gift expecting them to be their for Valentine's Day itself. Buy them as a healthy gift for yourself or others.

- Sorry, Prograde Cravers are not available overseas

- The offer cannot be combined with others from Prograde and it ends this Saturday, February 14th at 11:59pm EST.

- Prograde Cravers are NOT available in stores anywhere. You can only find them online here: Prograde Cravers

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prograde Cravers on Sale All Week

If you love dark chocolate I have a very big Valentine's Day present for you. Seriously.

You've got to try these things. The taste is out of this world good.

What am I talking about? Prograde Cravers, that's what. They have been dubbed the best tasting healthy snack on the planet for good reason - they taste THAT good.

Plus, they have no preservatives, only 180 calories and they come in three delicious flavors: peanut butter, almond butter and spirulina.

The even better news is they are on sale all this week for Valentine's Day.

Here's everything you need to know:

- Again, because it's Valentine's Day, the sale is 14% off all purcahses of Prograde Cravers

- When you checkout you will enter this coupon code to save the 14%: vday0909

- Shipping will take 3-5 days, so while I HIGHLY recommend you jump all over this sale, don't purchase these as a gift expecting them to be their for Valentine's Day itself. Buy them as a healthy gift for yourself or others.

- Sorry, Prograde Cravers are not available overseas

- The offer cannot be combined with others from Prograde and it ends this Saturday, February 14th at 11:59pm EST.

- Prograde Cravers are NOT available in stores anywhere. You can only find them online here: Prograde Cravers

Look, I'm not kidding about how great they taste. They are the EXACT opposite of the bars you are used to that taste like cardboard and chemicals. In fact, if you go to Prograde Cravers and watch the video of a real life taste test, well, I know you will be blown away.

Yours in health,

Doug Parra

Dream Body Boot Camps

PS - Remember, it's 14% off all Prograde Cravers purchases this week only. The sale ends this Saturday, February 14th at 11:59pm EST.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Michael Phelps, Bongs and 6 Pack Abs

So by now you've probably heard that Olympic champion Michael Phelps has gotten himself into a little bit of hot (bong) water. I felt I couldn't let this opportunity slip by without sharing some lessons from his mishap.

First, we all have to remember that we're role models. Somebody somewhere is looking up to us for guidance. It's a shame Michael Phelps screwed up, but he did. What's done is done. I know it reminded me that as a fitness pro, I MUST lead by example.

Second, again, he screwed up. And while I'm not one to give people a million chances, I do believe in second chances. And forgiveness. Which, when it comes to melting fat and getting fit, is VERY important.

I can tell you from experience working with hundreds of people with similar goals to yours, you WILL screw up somewhere along the way. The key to success is to forgive yourself and move forward. The people who truly fail are the ones that just give up the first time they make a mistake.

Third, this has nothing to do with what Michael Phelps has recently done, but it's another great reminder. If you want a lean, hard body and 6 pack abs, you're going to need to WORK. Regardless of his recent actions Michael Phelps is an Olympic Champ because he worked his rear end off. Don't fool yourself into thinking achieving your fitness goals is going to be a piece of cake.

Fourth, much was made during the Olympics of Michael Phelps and the massive amounts of calories he was consuming. If YOU want to get into peak condition you need the proper nutrition. Period.

Look, if you're not eating enough fruits and vegetables you need a Whole Foods based multi like Prograde Nutrition's VGF 25+

If you aren't optimizing your workouts by refueling with the correct blend of carbs to protein (based on the research) then you need to start using Prograde Workout like I do.

Anyway, when you see a news story like this one involving Michael Phelps, always remember to look for the positive lessons you can learn.

Yours in health,

Doug Parra

PS - If you're serious about your training and want the best nutritional products, then use what I use - Prograde Nutrition