Monday, April 27, 2009

The True Secret Behind Fitness Success, Goal Setting

Hello again to you. I was sitting around the other day as my mind was running full length sprints. For those that know me they know that my mind is always coming up with how to better a process or create a new one. The art of Goal setting is no stranger to the method behind my madness.

I always question why it takes some longer to achieve their fitness and health goals in comparison to others. They key is that they already saw in their mind that they had achieved their goal. Goal setting is an age old art to any of the most accomplished achievers in any field. Like a house, to build a strong and sturdy exterior you must have a strong foundation.

At Dream Body Boot Camps we get our members started off by going our exclusive forum and filling out what their short - term and long - term goals are. If you need a refresher course on what short - term and long - term goals are then here you go. Short - term goals are those in which you plan for the next 3 months. Long - term goals are a whole different beast in which you plan out for a year or longer. This is a prerequisite for any sound fitness program.

Though goal setting is an all fine and dandy starting point, there are some other key important factors behind achieving your true success. Since we are based out of Orlando, Florida I think this story about Walt Elias Disney would be most appropriate.

Walt was on his death bed dying of lung cancer in 1966 and concurrently plans for EPCOT (Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow), had come close to finalization. Roy, his brother, came into the room and said, “Walt, the plans for EPCOT are done and boy are they beautiful”. Walt stopped Roy and said “I already know”. Roy asked Walt, “How do you know?” Walt responded with “because I have already seen it”.

I relayed this story over to you because dreams do come true once you restate them as goals. Walt believed in a process that is very powerful, the process of visualization. You can write out as many goals as you want but until you see them as truth and reality then your goals are just words on paper. Here is the process that now you should take for true success with goal setting and stick with it, it works!

Step 1: Sit down where you ‘regoing to be most relaxed. I have a lake behind my home so I wake up early in the morning and just sit out on the picnic table there. Bring a pad and pencil/pen with you.

Step 2: Write down at the top of the pad. This Is Me Now. Then give some space and put down the titles, Ultimate goal, Long-term goals, and Short-term goals. Leave some space between each title so you can put 3-5 goals.

Step 3: Write out goals for each title just to get something out on paper.

Step 4: Now take those same goals and re-write them in a positive, present tense. Here is an example:
I weigh less now which decreases my cholesterol.

Step 5: Take that same positive, present tense goal and add some numbers and a deadline to it. Being specific makes things realistic. Example: I am 15 lbs lighter with healthy cholesterol for my test on September 1, 2009. Do this for all your goals.

Step 6: After writing each goal repeat it back to yourself but close your eyes and visualize you already being there. Open up your eyes and take notice to how you feel. Make a side note of that feeling.

Step 7: Post these goals up on your wall next to your mirror. Since you must use the bathroom at home, look over your goals day and night. Visualize yourself having it already.

I can give you a double money back guarantee that this will help you reach your goals that much quicker and have true success. Try it in any area you feel you need help with. It’s all about getting your mind to work with your body.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When Does All the Excuses Stop, The Internal Chatter Shut Off, and The Real Manifestation Begin?

My buddy and fellow instructor, Nelson, and I had just finished up class the other morning at Dream Body Boot Camps and while walking out to my car we started talking about some of the commonalities that we find among why people truthfully aren’t achieving their results. He told me about his childhood to young adult stages being surrounded by a family always choosing replacement activities instead of doing something focused more towards their fitness and how even today excuses still dominate over any fitness ventures. We discussed further that today’s society just chooses to make excuses for why they are not able to make a healthy lifestyle change.

Numerous people get involved or try to get involved in a fitness and health regimen and seriously set themselves up for failure. I have seen throughout my several years within the fitness industry how people just don’t follow the given information and state it was because they are too busy. The truth of our reality is that we live in a fast paced world that continually requires us to move from point A to point B so that we can put money in our bank accounts. I also know that everyone has a family with a spouse and the likelihood of children but that is a given.

How does true success begin? Shut the internal chatter off. Fitness and health is about a lifestyle transformation. This is not about a quick fix just to look good in your bathing suit for only beach season but rather to look good and feel even better every day of the year. You are always going to be busy and that will never change until you retire or let’s face it, die. When you start involving all the new nutritional advice, cardiovascular advice, and workout advice into your already busy lifestyle it should be structured to actually safe you time.

The fitness industry understands where you come from and understands you need to maximize your average day. Stop fighting against your future results and against us and actually do what proper advice is given to you to save time as well as money. The saying is true, We are our worst enemy. Do yourself a favor and become your best friend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Holistic Fitness and Boot Camps, what in Holy Chakra is this all about?

I was sitting in a meeting the other day with my business partners Samantha and Nelson and realized that we are not just your normal fitness boot camp. We discussed long and hard and had a few disagreements along the way but ultimately came down to this agreement, we operate holistically. Don’t let the word scare you.

Holistic, according to the Merriam- Webster dictionary states this, relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.

Though we would like to say we are able to magically give every one of our clients their Dream Bodies within a few months that is not always the case. We are about progressively creating a complete lifestyle change that extends outside our group bootcamp workouts.

Throughout the several months of business in which we have conducted our boot camps we have literally redefined what health is truly about for our clients. Several have come back with smiles on their faces because they have gotten off of strong doses of medicines or after taken physical examinations the numbers have astounded their doctors. One of our clients after making serious lifestyle changes and sticking to her exercise program has lost almost 90lbs. instead of making the choice of gastric bypass to lose weight.

The true health begins with how the human body works on the inside and then undeniably manifests itself on the outside. Our new angle is to literally work from the inside - out. Dream Body Boot Camps designs its workouts around the premise of continually providing tightening of the muscles. We provide cardio vascular to keep your fat burning going for 48-72 hours after you have done the initial exercise. We even give you a new education in nutrition to stimulate your under-active thyroid into super-drive and foods plans that lead to indisputable success. Yet, without you saying I am willing to make a lifestyle change none of these processes even matter.

All of our success stems from looking inside ourselves and making the decision to discover what kind of health we know we disserve. Dream Body Boot Camps strives to became the innovators on what healthy products we can bring to our clients. We back everything up with research we have gained from our teachers and thus become teachers to our members. A wise Chinese philosopher once said “ When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” . Become a student and let the teacher appear for you.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

5 Jumping Exercises that would make even the Easter Bunny Jealous

We have all seen that commercial a million times with the Bunny that bucks like a chicken. If you are one of the few individuals that have been isolated in a dark room for a quite a few years then go to youtube and type in Cadbury Bunny Commercial. Tell me, how does one even get an egg out of a rabbit? Well, anyways, the Easter Bunny would be proud of this multi-joint 5 exercise jumping routine that has a few hidden benefits of its own.

1. Perform Burpees for 30 seconds for tremendous calorie burning

Start in a perfectly erect standing position. Bend at the knees as if you were going into a squat and place your hands on the ground. Thrust your feet back so that your body is in a plank position and then bring feet back to the squatting position. With your hands and feet push body up perfectly erect again and add a jump to the end.

2. Do a little broad jump to gain the true bunny experience

Start off in a deep kneed squat and jump out as far as physically capable without hurting yourself. Upon landing, absorb your body back into the deep kneed squat and repeat.

3. Over head jumping lunges to add in some core stability

This exercise does require a dumbbell or kettlebell to be placed in one hand. You will be starting in an upward fully erect position with Dumbbell or kettlebell raised fully above your head and jump up. As you land you will split legs into a lunge position. After you have completed 10 to 12 reps or 30 seconds, whichever comes first, on one side, switch to the other side and complete same exercise.

4. Speed skaters to really work those buns and thighs

For physical proof that this exercise leads to a sexy gluteus maximus and killer thighs just google pro speed skaters and all your answers are revealed. Use Apollo Anton Ono if you need a specific figure. This exercise requires one to start with knees together and semi-bent. You will push off to either left side or right side with you your anchor leg and then push the alternate side with the opposite anchor leg for 30 seconds to a minute.

5. Jumping rope with cardio intervals to get the blood flowing

This particular exercise requires the use of a speed rope which you can buy pretty much at any store. Begin by starting off at a one minute of a steady pace. After you have reached the one minute mark, speed rope as fast as physically capable for one minute. Once you have hit the two minute mark you will return down to the steadier state and thus repeat the cycle for 15- 20 minutes total.