Monday, April 27, 2009

The True Secret Behind Fitness Success, Goal Setting

Hello again to you. I was sitting around the other day as my mind was running full length sprints. For those that know me they know that my mind is always coming up with how to better a process or create a new one. The art of Goal setting is no stranger to the method behind my madness.

I always question why it takes some longer to achieve their fitness and health goals in comparison to others. They key is that they already saw in their mind that they had achieved their goal. Goal setting is an age old art to any of the most accomplished achievers in any field. Like a house, to build a strong and sturdy exterior you must have a strong foundation.

At Dream Body Boot Camps we get our members started off by going our exclusive forum and filling out what their short - term and long - term goals are. If you need a refresher course on what short - term and long - term goals are then here you go. Short - term goals are those in which you plan for the next 3 months. Long - term goals are a whole different beast in which you plan out for a year or longer. This is a prerequisite for any sound fitness program.

Though goal setting is an all fine and dandy starting point, there are some other key important factors behind achieving your true success. Since we are based out of Orlando, Florida I think this story about Walt Elias Disney would be most appropriate.

Walt was on his death bed dying of lung cancer in 1966 and concurrently plans for EPCOT (Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow), had come close to finalization. Roy, his brother, came into the room and said, “Walt, the plans for EPCOT are done and boy are they beautiful”. Walt stopped Roy and said “I already know”. Roy asked Walt, “How do you know?” Walt responded with “because I have already seen it”.

I relayed this story over to you because dreams do come true once you restate them as goals. Walt believed in a process that is very powerful, the process of visualization. You can write out as many goals as you want but until you see them as truth and reality then your goals are just words on paper. Here is the process that now you should take for true success with goal setting and stick with it, it works!

Step 1: Sit down where you ‘regoing to be most relaxed. I have a lake behind my home so I wake up early in the morning and just sit out on the picnic table there. Bring a pad and pencil/pen with you.

Step 2: Write down at the top of the pad. This Is Me Now. Then give some space and put down the titles, Ultimate goal, Long-term goals, and Short-term goals. Leave some space between each title so you can put 3-5 goals.

Step 3: Write out goals for each title just to get something out on paper.

Step 4: Now take those same goals and re-write them in a positive, present tense. Here is an example:
I weigh less now which decreases my cholesterol.

Step 5: Take that same positive, present tense goal and add some numbers and a deadline to it. Being specific makes things realistic. Example: I am 15 lbs lighter with healthy cholesterol for my test on September 1, 2009. Do this for all your goals.

Step 6: After writing each goal repeat it back to yourself but close your eyes and visualize you already being there. Open up your eyes and take notice to how you feel. Make a side note of that feeling.

Step 7: Post these goals up on your wall next to your mirror. Since you must use the bathroom at home, look over your goals day and night. Visualize yourself having it already.

I can give you a double money back guarantee that this will help you reach your goals that much quicker and have true success. Try it in any area you feel you need help with. It’s all about getting your mind to work with your body.

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