Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When Does All the Excuses Stop, The Internal Chatter Shut Off, and The Real Manifestation Begin?

My buddy and fellow instructor, Nelson, and I had just finished up class the other morning at Dream Body Boot Camps and while walking out to my car we started talking about some of the commonalities that we find among why people truthfully aren’t achieving their results. He told me about his childhood to young adult stages being surrounded by a family always choosing replacement activities instead of doing something focused more towards their fitness and how even today excuses still dominate over any fitness ventures. We discussed further that today’s society just chooses to make excuses for why they are not able to make a healthy lifestyle change.

Numerous people get involved or try to get involved in a fitness and health regimen and seriously set themselves up for failure. I have seen throughout my several years within the fitness industry how people just don’t follow the given information and state it was because they are too busy. The truth of our reality is that we live in a fast paced world that continually requires us to move from point A to point B so that we can put money in our bank accounts. I also know that everyone has a family with a spouse and the likelihood of children but that is a given.

How does true success begin? Shut the internal chatter off. Fitness and health is about a lifestyle transformation. This is not about a quick fix just to look good in your bathing suit for only beach season but rather to look good and feel even better every day of the year. You are always going to be busy and that will never change until you retire or let’s face it, die. When you start involving all the new nutritional advice, cardiovascular advice, and workout advice into your already busy lifestyle it should be structured to actually safe you time.

The fitness industry understands where you come from and understands you need to maximize your average day. Stop fighting against your future results and against us and actually do what proper advice is given to you to save time as well as money. The saying is true, We are our worst enemy. Do yourself a favor and become your best friend.

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